quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010

Milk Thistle Benefits


O Cardo Mariano é uma planta medicinal amplamente utilizada na Medicina Tradicional Europeia. Em França as raízes, folhas e frutos são usados no tratamento de prisão de ventre crónica, de várias doenças hepáticas tais como a icterícia, cálculos biliares, hepatite e fígado gordo, como descongestionante do sistema circulatório, no tratamento de hemorróidas e úlceras varicosas e, como anti-alérgico no tratamento da asma e urticária. Em Itália, os frutos do Cardo Mariano são usados no tratamento de doenças do fígado, devido à sua acção desintoxicante do fígado e também pelas suas propriedades diuréticas e cardiotónicas. Na Alemanha e na Hungria, em Medicina Tradicional, os frutos do Cardo Mariano são usados no tratamento de cálculos biliares devido à sua acção colagoga, estimulante da circulação entero-hepática e protectora do fígado. Na Grécia o Cardo Mariano é usado no tratamento de varizes, pedras da vesícula e na úlcera duodenal. A Medicina Homeopática também utiliza as tinturas dos frutos do Cardo Mriano no tratamento de doenças do fígado, cálculos biliares, peritonite, pleurite, congestão do útero e varizes.

Os frutos do Cardo Mariano são negros e brilhantes, é uma planta herbácea, anual ou bienal, pertencente à família das Asteraceae e nativa da região mediterrânica.
Propriedades medicinais

A silimarina protege contra as mais severas necroses hepáticas, tais como as provocadas pelo tetracloreto de carbono e contra lesões tóxicas do fígado ocasionadas pelas toxinas de cogumelos venenosos. As substâncias activas do Cardo Mariano também podem ser usadas curativamente, isto é, depois da ingestão de produtos tóxicos. Uma vez que alguns venenos levam algumas horas a serem absorvidos e a chegar ao fígado, a silimarina pode atrasar a sua assimilação, permitindo ao organismo eliminar as toxinas. Contudo, o efeito curativo é mais fraco que o efeito preventivo. Outro efeito terapêutico é devido à silibina, um componente da silimarina. A silibina estimula várias funções das células hepáticas, tais como a proliferação celular, a síntese proteica, a assimilação do oxigénio, a formação de energia, a reparação das membranas celulares danificadas, etc. A silimarina tem uma forte acção antioxidante, protegendo as células hepáticas contra a peroxidação lipídica. A silimarina estimula a actividade da superoxidodismutase (SOD) e aumenta os níveis de glutatião peroxidase (GSH), os dois principais sistemas enzimáticos envolvidos na neutralização dos perigosos radicais livres do oxigénio. a silimarina tem ainda acção anti-inflamatória e anti-alérgica.
Outros nomes

Cardo Mariano 


Milk Thistle and Liver Cleansing

Milk thistle benefits are numerous, and it has been used to treat a variety of health conditions. Most important is its role in strengthening and detoxifying the liver.
Milk Thistle Benefits
A member of the sunflower flower, its black seeds are harvested for medicinal use. The active ingredient within these seeds is called silymarin, which is where the therapeutic benefits lie.

One of the main benefits is its antioxidant ability, which is more potent than most vitamins. Antioxidants are able to remove toxic chemicals called free radicals from the body. These free radicals cause ceel damage which is the root of disease and premature aging.
Perhaps the most important milk thistle benefits are its effects on the liver. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, breaking down nutrients and cleaning the body out. Milk thistle detoxifies the liver as well as protects it against damage from toxins, alcohol and other negative effects.
Milk thistle benefits the liver in other ways as well: it promotes regeneration and repair of liver cells, reverses liver damage and is very helpful in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis.
Some milk thistle clinical trials show that milk thistle benefits may includereducing inflammation, decreasing excessive skin cell growth and helping treat endometriosis.
Are there any milk thistle dangers?
There are very few known side effects of milk thistle so you probably don't have to worry about milk thistle dangers if you take recommended dosages.
There have been reports of upset stomach and slight laxative effects. If you have liver disease you should take added precaution. Milk thistle and most other herbs are not recommended for pregnant or nursing mothers.
As with all health supplements, make sure you consult a physician or qualified medical professional before taking any milk thistle supplements.
Finding a High Quality Milk Thistle Supplement
Since all health and dietary supplements are not regulated, you have to make sure you are getting a high quality supplement in order to reap the health benefits.
Following are a few tips:
1. Look for a supplement that is formulated by a company that followsstrict GMP compliance. These are the same rigorous standards that the pharmaceutical companies must comply with.
2. Look for a supplement that is developed by a highly-trained, well-credentialed qualified scientific team ensuring the efficacy of the product.
3. Make sure it contains standardized herbal extract, which are the purest extracts with the most active ingredient - in this case, silymarin.

Milk thistle benefits can improve your health. Be sure to find a quality product and consult a physician before you start supplementation.


Milk Thistle Benefits

Milk Thistle is unique in its ability to protect the liver and has no equivalent in the pharmaceutical drug world. In fact, in cases of poisoning with Amanita mushrooms, which destroy the liver, milk thistle is the only treatment option. It has been so dramatically effective that the treatment has never been disputed, even by the traditional medical community.

Picture of a Milk Thistle plant.

Milk thistle acts in a similar fashion to detoxify other synthetic chemicals that find their way into our bodies, from acetaminophen and alcohol to heavy metals and radiation.
Latin Name: Silybum marianum

Common Names: Cardui mariae, Carduus marianum, Holy Thistle, Lady's Thistle, Legalon, Marian Thistle, Mariendistel, Mary Thistle, Our Lady's Thistle, Silimarina, Silybin, Silybum, Silymarin, St. Mary Thistle, Wild Artichoke

Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, hepaprotective, immunostimulating, possibly estrogenic

Indicated for:
Alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver poisoning and viral hepatitis. alcoholic fatty liver, liver poisoning. It can benefits adrenal disorders and inflammatory bowel syndrome. Psoriasis. Lowering cholesterol. Protecting the liver when taking strong drugs or medicine. Candida. Food allergies.

Milk thistle was approved in 1986 as a treatment for liver disease and it is widely used to treat alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic fatty liver, cirrhosis, liver poisening and viral hepatitis. It has also been shown to protect the liver against medications such as acetaminophen, a non-aspirin pain reliever.

The active ingredient, or liver-protecting compound in milk thistle is known as silymarin. This substance, which actually consists of a group of compounds called flavonolignands, helps repair liver cells damaged by alcohol and other toxic substances by stimulating protein synthesis. By changing the outside layer of liver cells, it also prevents certain toxins from getting inside. Silymarin also seems to encourage liver cell growth. It can reduce inflammation (important for people with liver inflammation or hepatitis), and has potent antioxidant effects. Antioxidants are thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Our Milk Thistle is not standardized to an exact amount (as it is made from pure dried natural herbs. Milk Thistle naturally contains about 70 - 80% Silymarin (and many other constituents thought to work in harmony).

This herb benefits adrenal disorders and inflammatory bowel syndrome, and is used to treat psoriasis (increases bile flow).

Milk thistle has some estrogen-like effects that may stimulate the flow of breast milk in women who are breast-feeding infants. It may also be used to start late menstrual periods. Milk thistle's estrogen-like effect may also have some usefulness for men with prostate cancer.

In animal studies and one small study in humans, milk thistle produced modest reductions in total cholesterol. However, these results have not been demonstrated in larger human studies.

This herb is a must for cleansing and for anyone with any sort of liver dysfunction or exposure to toxins.

Liver disease from alcohol

A comprehensive review by the U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) recently identified 16 scientific studies on the use of milk thistle for the treatment of various forms of liver disease. A European standardized extract of milk thistle was used in most of the trials. Problems in study design (such as small numbers of participants, variations in the causes of liver disease, and differences in dosing and duration of milk thistle therapy) made it difficult to draw any definitive conclusions. However, five of seven studies evaluating milk thistle for alcoholic liver disease found significant improvements in liver function. Those with the mildest form of the disease appeared to improve the most. Milk thistle was less effective for those with severe liver disease such as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is characterized by scarring and permanent, non-reversible damage to the liver. It is often referred to as end-stage liver disease.

Viral hepatitis

Despite the fact that milk thistle is widely used in the treatment of hepatitis (particularly hepatitis C), results from four viral hepatitis studies were contradictory. Some found improvements in liver enzyme activity while others failed to detect these benefits. None of the studies compared milk thistle with interferon or other medications for viral hepatitis.


Preliminary laboratory studies also suggest that active substances in milk thistle may have anti-cancer effects. One active substance known as silymarin has strong antioxidant properties and has been shown to inhibit the growth of human prostate, breast, and cervical cancer cells in test tubes. Further studies are needed to determine whether milk thistle is safe or effective for people with these forms of cancer.

High cholesterol

One animal study found that silymarin (an active compound in milk thistle) worked as effectively as the cholesterol-lowering drug probucol, with the additional benefit of substantially increasing HDL ("good") cholesterol. Further studies in people are needed.


Women with hormone-dependent conditions such as endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and cancers of the breast, ovaries, or uterus should not take or use milk thistle plant extract due to its possible estrogenic effects.

Men who have prostate cancer should not take milk thistle without the approval of a doctor.


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Acerca de mim

A minha fotografia

Luis Guerreiro
* Integrando a equipe de preparação dos vários Detoxes de Tony Samara - Portugal - 2009
* Consultor de Alimentação Viva do Spa Natural Alma Verde - Foz do Iguaçu-PR - Junho, Julho 2008.
* Apresentação de pratos vivos - 23º Congresso Internacional de Educação Física - FIEP 2008 - Foz do Iguaçu/PR
* Consultor e Árbitro da FDAP - Federação de Desportos Aquáticos do Paraná - Novembro de 2007 a Maio 2008 - Foz do Iguaçu-PR
* Criação do Instituto IDEIAS - Foz do Iguaçu - Outubro de 2007.
* Palestras de educação Nutriconal e Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação. - IPEC. Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
Aula introdutória sobre alimentação e Nutrição para participantes do curso de Ecovilas e administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os sete dias de curso. Início: Outubro de 2007.
* Curso de Alimentação Viva- Restaurante Girassol - Ros Ellis Moraes (nutricionista) e Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista) - Agosto de 2007 - Brasilia-DF
* Palestras de educação Nutriconal e Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação.
IPEC - Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
Actuação: Aula introdutória sobre alimentação e Nutrição para participantes do curso do SEBRAE e administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os sete dias de curso - Agosto de 2007. Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
* Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação.
IPEC - Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
Atuação: Curso Bioconstruindo - administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os dias de curso.
BIOCONSTRUINDO - Julho 2007 - Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
* Palestra sobre Alimentação Viva - Maçonaria - Julho 2007 - Belo Horizonte-MG - Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
* Oficina de Alimentação Viva "Nutriviva" com a Nutricionista Jacqueline Stefânia Pereira e a professora de Hatha Yoga, Ana Virgínia de Azevedo e Souza - Junho 2007 - Belo Horizonte -MG
Ver o meu perfil completo
