sábado, 6 de fevereiro de 2010
Over the years Urine therapy has proved to be an effective tool for healing. Most urine therapists some of whom have been practicing urine therapy for decades have never sought an explanation for why it works: their own experiences were sufficient proof for some time now however, there has been increasing interest in the search for a scientific explanation. This is because urine therapists believe it is important for urine therapy to be acknowledged as a valid method of treatment: doctor should be well informed about the effects of this therapy so that as many people can benefit from it. Since members of the medical world demand an explanation the interest in scientific research has frown.
Another reason for this growing interest is that a number of mainstream doctors have also had positive experiences with urine therapy, which is reason, enough for them to investigate how, and why it works. This is not a recent development: in the 1930s for example the German pediatrician Martin Krebs successfully treated many patients with urine therapy and subsequently published the results. As a physician he was convinced that urine therapy was an effective method of treatment but he also realized that other doctors would not readily accept this fact since it conflicted with the scientific dogma which formed the foundation of their profession.
In order to be able to acknowledge urine therapy as an effective method of treatment a number of doctors within the medical world are now interested in how it works. Discovering how it actually works however will not be easy. Random double blind, crossover research could be useful but is difficult to execute.
Actually a good deal of research has already been conducted within the medical world into the composition of urine and its separate components. The researchers Free and Free published a report listing two hundred substances found in urine. They point out that these are only the most significant substances, and that urine probably contains thousands of components. Several substances found in urine seems to be of value as medication some of which have already been processed and used.
A number of hypotheses have, however, been suggested which can serve as the basis for further scientific research. According to Dr. Bartnett, applying urine therapy, using self-produced urine can be considered to be an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur.
An important task of the immune system is to rid the human body of diseased or unusable substances that have developed during the course of an illness. When these substances reach healthy tissue, the serum or blood becomes stronger, the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) increases, and the patient probably recovers. This phenomenon is known as auto-inoculation self-vaccination and can be seen as Mother Nature's methods of healing an illness without external intervention.
Urine therapy can also be seen as a from of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness, are reintroduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are reabsorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately.
The doctors Remington, Merler and Uhr have demonstrated that a particular part of urine-protein is able to eliminate certain pathogens. This discovery supports the assumption that urine therapy can be used to treat or prevent certain illnesses.
In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Ducan conducted research into therapies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce their own medication in the form of their own discharge. Auto - therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: If applied at an early stage it could cause the gonorrhoea to disappear.
The results of Dr. William D. Linscott's research suggest that autotherapy strengthens and stimulates the immune system, in particular with regard to the T-cells. The T-cell population of several patients who initially displayed a low T-cell count increased after treatment with urine therapy.
Postulates of Auto Urine Therepy:
A number of possible explanations (hypotheses) as to how and why urine therapy works are presented in the literature. These should not be seen as separate hypotheses but these several factors combine to give urine therapy its exceptional effectiveness. Here, ten hypotheses concerning the efficacy of Auto Urine Therapy are briefly discussed.
1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
2. Re-absorption of hormones
3. Re-absorption of enzymes
4. Re-absorption of urea
5. Immunological effect
6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect
7. Salt therapy
8. Diuretic effect
9. Transmutation theory
10. Psychological effect
1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
Often most nutritive substances are obtained by body in sufficient quantities from the food. By drinking or massaging the urine on skin, a number of vitamins, amino acids, salts, hormones, etc. readily available in urine are possibly re-absorbed and reused as nutrients.
This is important especially during illness, when diseased body tissue enters the blood and must therefore be excreted. The filtering process in the kidneys should break down this tissue to its original materials, after which it can be re-used by the body to build up new tissue.
The composition of urine changes during illness, because certain essential substances do not reach their intended destination and are subsequently filtered out by the kidneys. A good example of this is liver blockage, which can result in hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). If a blockage develops in the liver, bile produced by the liver cannot reach the intestinal canal, instead seeps into the blood and subsequently ends up in the urine, resulting in weakness and nausea. The shortage of bile in the digestive tract restricts the digestion of fats and proteins. Therefore rest and a diet low in fats and proteins is usually prescribed.
However, the substance, which should digest these proteins and fats, can be found in the urine in precisely the correct amount. According to this theory, the application of urine therapy allows bile and other liver enzymes to be re-used instead of wasted.
This is just one example of an illness in which important substances can be re-used via urine. Research could also be conducted for other illnesses concerning the way in which important bodily substances can be saved and re-used.
2. Re -absorption of hormones:
As stated above, many hormones end up in the urine. The basis for this hypothesis is that we can re-introduce these into the body by drinking or massaging with urine.
Since the acids, pepsins and enzymes in the digestive tract harm proteins, the hormones re-absorbed into the body from urine when consumed orally, are mainly the small ones, which are not proteins (protein-complexes). The sex hormones, adrenal gland hormones and thyroid hormones are almost certainly be re-absorbed, the effects of which, need to be more closely researched. The external application of urine to the skin allows hormones to be re-absorbed by the body without being destroyed. Massaging with urine is therefore an important complementary component of urine therapy as urine is directly absorbed into the tissue. Enemas are also a good way to prevent destruction of certain hormones by gastric juices which, is why this method often helps to cure allergic disorders better. The same applies for urine injections.
Re-absorption can be vital in two ways. Firstly certain hormones have a very specific effect during a healing process. For example cortico-steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex inhibit infections and have a positive effect in the treatment of allergies such as asthma and hay fever, skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis and inflammatory illnesses such as rheumatism. Auto Urine therapy has proved to be an extremely effective aid in the treatment of all these illnesses, but it has not yet been demonstrated that these hormones play a part in the treatment.
Secondly, re-absorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy. Re-ingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to re-use at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to spend energy on manufacturing new hormones.
Hormones are actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re-absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and level of energy.
A hormone melatonin released from pineal gland is found in urine, which has a calming effect. The concentration of this hormone is found to be more in first sample of urine in early morning. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect and anti aging property.
It is quite possible that the sages of olden times were well aware of the hormonal effects of urine. They state that if a person is unable to urinate, the urine from somebody of the same sex is acceptable but not from somebody of the other sex.
Although cultural and social factors could have played a part in this rule, the fact is that female urine contains considerably greater amounts of female hormones such as estrogen. If ingested over a long period of time by a man, this could have a feminizing effect. The opposite is true for a woman who ingests male urine.
Some people recommend using the first urine after sexual intercourse. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are released by the higher endocrine glands which have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the body. This applies for men as well as women.
3. Re-absorption of enzymes:
Urine contains many enzymes, which might explain why urine therapy is effective against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, etc. Based on research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a 'total entity'. Urokinase found in human urine causes vasodilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and is available in market as life saving drug. There are many other enzymes found active in urine, but more specific information is not yet available.
4. Re-absorption of urea:
Besides water, urea is the main component of urine, which is an end product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, i.e. as a foetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most part of urine from the foetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before we are born, we drink about over half a liter per perday of this liquid. The foetus also breathes it in and this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capacities of the urea in the amniotic fluid.
Once we are born, the intestinal flora start to work, which has a special role in the conversion of urea.. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. Some of this ammonia ends up in the liver where part it is converted into urea and another part is converted into glutamine, an extremely useful amino acid. The liver converts a great deal of the ammonia, into other substances. Although ammonia is highly poisonous even in moderate amounts, this small amount is extremely important: it regulates the pH-value of the blood and has a powerful anti-viral effect.
If it were true that the urea concentration increases the more often a person drinks urine, we would except urine to become stronger or more bitter in taste. However, the opposite is true: urine becomes more watery and less bitter, which suggests that urea is converted. It is quite possible that urea is indeed converted into glutamine by ammonia. As described above, this process takes place in the intestinal canal.
Research demonstrates the vital importance of glutamine in the maintenance and construction of specialized tissue such as in the brain, the small intestine and in the growth and activity of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. Glutamine has a healing effect on ulcers and wounds in the intestinal canal. The most important function of glutamine, however is its ability to strengthen the immune system, and could be an important key in explaining why urine therapy is such a successful method of treatment. The body re- uses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy increases the glutamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialized organs and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract.
Urea; in so far as it is not decomposed also affects the brain and central nervous system. High doses of urea are sometimes administered during brain surgery in order to temporarily shrink the brain, which is necessary for opening the skull. Less than one tenth of such a dose is ingested when a person drinks urine. Nevertheless, this small amount also brings about a slight reduction of pressure in the brain and spinal cord.
Urea is also successfully administered in rather high doses to patients with sickle cell anaemia, an extremely painful and supposedly incurable illness. Research and experience have demonstrated that, if administered daily in four doses of approximately 40 grams, urea has a healing and preventive effect. This also indicates that the body can endure high doses of urea without displaying negative side effects.
A third noteworthy application of urea can be found in the treatment of cancer by professor Dr. Danopoulos. He experimented with injecting urea mixed with a saline solution in and around skin cancer and as a treatment for Breast Cancer . He also conducted research on drinking urea dissolved in water in order to fight liver cancer and reported positive results. Danopoulos then began combining urea with creatine hydrate, another component of urine and in this way successfully treated other kinds of cancer. Urea also seems to be quite effective in fighting bladder cancer. You might wonder how bladder cancer can arise if urea, constantly present in the bladder is such an effective anti-cancer remedy. However, bladder cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer and generally only found in those who work with certain poisonous chemicals perhaps the effect of urea is counteracted or cancelled out by these chemicals. Further research on this topic is necessary.
Urea also plays an extremely important role in the external application of urine, as it helps transport hormones through the skin. Many hormones are destroyed by the enzymatic action of the digestive system if urine is orally applied. Hormones can probably return to the body in their original form if urine is administered through the skin. Moreover a trans-dermal administration ensures that hormones are absorbed into the body slowly and in specific portions, which significantly increases it's effectiveness.
Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition & texture, one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory just for this purpose.
Urea is an oxidizing substance, which ensures that the disintegrating proteins (proteins in the area of a wound or inflammation) dissolve. It dissolves fats and other natural bodily secretions. Urea is even
more effective when heated.
Due to its strong anti-bacterial nature, urine has an inhabitive effect on the growth of tuberculosis bacilli. Bacteria-inhibiting or bacteria-killing effects of urine increase with a decreasing pH. Urea and ammonia, closely related, play an important role here. When brought in contact with urea, complex polymers are transformed or decomposed into monomers, which can then be endured by the body.
5. Immunological effect:
Clearly urine is not toxic, although some end substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of end substances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If these triggering substances enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are called into action (immune system). If substances, which leave the body via the urine, are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defense system to attack and in this way urine therapy has proven so helpful in treating allergies.
A similar process takes place when a person is vaccinated against certain disease, in which case, a small amount of poisonous substances is injected into a healthy body. This stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (and thus defend the body), and could be called a homeopathic or isopathic effect. The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows the antibodies, greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system. The possible significance of urea and glutamine for the immune system is earlier discussed.
Abele suggests that the presence of antigens and antibodies in urine strengthens the immune system when urine is re-introduced into the body. The re-introduction of small amounts of bacteria or parasites found in urine may stimulate the production of IgE. IgA (a virus inhibiting substance that prevents micro-organisms from becoming embedded in the mucous) also plays a role here. IgA is found in mucous and in excretions of body, and therefore also in urine. Urine therapy increases the production of IgA which possibly explains why this therapy has a positive effect on infections of the urinary passages and the kidneys while other treatments offer little relief.
Several studies demonstrate that antibodies against for example salmonella diphtheria poliomyelitis and HIV can be found in urine.
6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect:
Although it is not yet entirely clear why urine has a germicidal and antiseptic effect, it is known that urea plays an important role here. Ammonia and salt also have a similar purifying effect. Besides killing bacteria, urine also inhibits or destroys various viruses and fungi. Scientific research has demonstrated that both urea and ammonia have a powerful anti-viral effect.
Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps files away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful Antiseptic effect when externally applied.
Herz also successfully treated infections of the urinary passages with urine therapy. The positive results can be traced back to the stimulating effect of the re-ingested urine on the immune system. As discussed above, in such a case, IgA is produced in greater quantities.
7. Detoxification therapy:
Drinking salt water serves as an important therapeutic remedy during certain (fasting) cures. Salt water is also frequently applied in yoga to clean the body thoroughly from within and it relieve such illnesses as asthma, stomach ulcer, indigestion and constipation. Drinking urine, which is also a salt substance, has the same effect. This could be an important reason for its success as a therapeutic remedy.
Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drink a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucous in the lungs and in other organs.
According to those who work with this therapy, warm salt water, and in this sense also fresh warm urine, is particularly useful during illnesses in which the body does not generate enough heat to keep the normal bodily secretions thin and watery. Moreover, urine draws out surplus, which has become too watery due to an illness. This also explains why compresses of warm, concentrated urine externally applied are so effective.
As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a
result of which bowel movement becomes easier.
According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking urine is like drinking salt water, accelerates the metabolism,. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique.
According to urine therapists, urine has an extra advantage above salt water because urine contains small amounts of natural cortisone. This brings us back to the possible hormonal effects of urine.
Using urine instead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably ensure that the mucous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected.
Dabbing with salt water usually helps clean wounds; urine has the same effect. Urine is more effective than salt water because it contains healing substances such as allantoin.
8. Diuretic effect:
According to this theory, urine therapy ensures that the kidneys work more quickly and that the body is stimulated to produce more urine. Metabolic products composed of proteins such as urea, nitrogen and ammonia are excreted out of the body via the urine as soon as there is a surplus in the body. Drinking urine causes more of these substances to enter the body than normal. The body reacts to this by washing them away with water and other substances.
By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. A previously mentioned
example of this is urea, which is converted through ammonia into glutamine.
Another consequence might be that substances which should normally leave the body with the urine, but have got stuck somewhere, now do so due to the accelerated flow. For example, in the case of gout, the body disposes of urinary acid embedded in the joints.
The effects of flowing and cleansing are particularly noticeable while one is fasting. The first time one urinates while fasting, the urine is often thick and tastes strong especially if one have a fever or is otherwise sick. However, after drinking this initial amount, the second flow of urine is thinner, even if one has not drunk extra water.
The continuous re-use of urine yields a large amount of clear and not unpleasant tasting urine in a short period of time. According to this hypothesis, this ultimately results in stimulated and cleansed kidneys, and a purified blood stream. At the same time, the intestines, skin and exhalation process probably entirely takes over the role of excreting the unusable metabolic products.
9. Transmutation theory:
The transmutation theory needs a new, holistic paradigm, which is based more on the dynamics of energies36.
In recent scientific research, a shift is visible from reductionism to holism. Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way, which helps restoring a disturbed balance.
The medical doctor and urine therapist Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as holographic feedback:
"The question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body has been made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection) the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at least in specific cases)"
The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules into other ones. ' Short circuiting ' the system by ingesting one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational force within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable ones without being constantly
disturbed by new external input. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine.
Another important aspect is the theory of structured water. The body consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same thought. The molecular structure of water can be
less or more organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organized the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in
their turn are responsible and necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmutation of all nutrients.
It is scientifically proven how water in biological systems becomes more organized. Water also becomes more organized through exposure to sunlight and through close contact with crystals. The body is both a receptor of sunlight and it contains a high amount of solid and liquid crystalline-like substances. Also body fluids themselves form fluid crystals. Urine is thus a crystalline- like substance containing a high amount of structured water. This structured water, when taken in again promotes better enzymatic functioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy.
The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the various salts in it. Implies that it contains crystalline vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already existing healthy body resonance. Diseased or stress vibrations will counteract any unhealthy resonance in the body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best confronting it with the same sounds.
The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it.
Seeing urine as a liquid crystalline-like substance, containing a high amount of structured water may help understanding its healing qualities on the more subtle levels.
10. Psychological effect:
The shock initially brought on by drinking urine might fundamentally challenge previously accepted ideas as a result of which repressed energy is released that can be applied to strengthen the body and fight an illness.
Scientists claim that the highest acceptable placebo effect is 30%. However, a much higher percentage of people actually achieves positive results with urine therapy, which is remarkable since many people are often initially skeptical because of their aversion to urine, and apply urine therapy as a last resort.
Confronting and conquering reluctance play an important role in this theory. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to lead to a considerably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increase your appreciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. Instead of regarding excretions (really just a part of yourself) as enemies you, regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well have a powerful healing effect on your body.
If the results are experienced as positive applying your own urine as medication means that you have more physical and mental freedom than previously believed, which can also have a healing effect on a deep level.
Besides being beneficial on a personal level, the use of urine as medication opens a new door for contemporary medical science. It confronts us with the possibility that the powers of the body and the universe are infinite, and that we are much less dependent on complicated theories and technologies for our health than up until now was assumed.
Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete healer within which works both on a physical and on an energy level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul.
Composition of Human Urine:
A general overview and a specified summary of a number of important substances usually found in urine follow below. The substances given in the specified summary have been research, either in relation to urine therapy or in other contexts.
General Overview
Inorganic substances in urine:
Bicarbonate, chloride phosphor sulfur bromide fluoride jodide, rhodanide, kalium natrium, calcium magnesium iron copper, zinc cobalt, selenium, arsenium lead, mercury.
Nitrogen containing substances in urine:
Nitrogen (as totality), urea, creatine, creatinine guanidine, cholinecarnitine, piperidine, spermidine, spermine, dopamine, adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, serotonin, tryptamine, amino-levulinic acid prophyrin, bilirubin, and others.
Amino acids in urine:
Alanine, carnosine, glycine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylaanine, serine, tyrosine, valine, hyfroxyproline, galactosylhydroxlysine xylosylserine and others.
Proteins in urine:
Albumin, haptoglobin, transferrin IgG, IgA, IgM, and others.
Enzymes in urine:
Lactatdehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alpha-amylase, uropesinogen, lysozyme, beta-N-acetylgucosaminidase, urokinase, protease, and others.
Carbohydrates in urine:
Arabinos, xylose, ribose, fucose, rhamnose, ketopentose, glucose, galactose mannose, frutose, lactose, saccharose, fucosylglucose, raffinose, and others.
Vitamins in urine:
Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitaminB2), vitamin B6, 4-pyridoxic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B-12, biopterine, asorbic acid and others.
Hormones in urine:
Gonadotropin, corticotropin, prolactin, lactogenic hormones, oxytocin vasopressin, thyroxine cathecaolamin (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) insulin, erythropoietin, coricosteriods (aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisone), testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen and others.
Specified Summary:
Agglutinins and precipitins - have a neutralizing effect on polio and other viruses.
Antineoplaston - prevents selectively the growth of cancer cells without harming the growth of healthy cells.
Allantoin - a nitrogenous crystal substance, which helps, wound healing. It is an oxidation product of uric acid. This substance can be found in man skin cream products.
DHEA - (dehydroepiandrosterone or dhydroiso-androsterome) - a steroid secreted by the adrenal gland which can be found in large amount in male urine. This substance prevents obesity, prolongs the life span of animals and offers a possible treatment for anaemia, diabetes and breast cancer in women. DHEA stimulates the growth of bone marrow and increases the production of substances manufactured by bone marrow such as red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. A low DHEA level seems to be linked to ageing.
Gastric secretory depressants - combat the growth of stomach uclers.
Glucuronic acid - is created in the liver, kidneys and intestinal canal and has an important secretion function.
H-11 - inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces already existing tumours, without disturbing the recovery process.
HUD (Human's Urine Derivative) - urine derivative shown on helper cells and inhibiting substances. It can signal the hypothalamus to produce a fever.
3- Methyl-glyxal - destroys cancer cells.
Prostaglandin- is an hormonal substance which dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, relaxes the bronchial muscles stimulates labour contractions, and has a number of other functions relating to the metabolism.
Protein globulins - contain antibodies against specific allergens; identical to proteins in the immunoglobulins of serum (blood)
Proteoses - immunologically active products of allergic reactions.
Retine - anti-cancer element extracted from urine.
Urine peptide (or polypeptide) - shows tuberculostatic activity which has been isolated in chemically pure form.
Uric acid- helps keep free radical scavengers (molecules which can cause cancer) under control combats old age and even has a tuberculostatic effect..
Like this many useful products have been found in urine. The functions of the main ones are described below:
• Urea is the major component found in urine and is the end product of protein metabolism. It dissolves fats and other body secretions and is finally discharged into urine. It is a strong antibacterial agent and specifically prevents the growth of the tubercle bacillus. It is said that a large quantity of vitamin C intake enhances it effect.
• Uric acid is similar in action to urea and has strong antibacterial properties. In addition it helps to control cancer-causing substances.
• Nitrates present in the urine, if they come in contact with the skin or sweat, react with the acid producing nitrous oxide, which is antibacterial.
• Minerals from urine can be very easily absorbs if re-ingested and are more efficient compared to those derived from food. Urine contains different kinds of useful mineral compounds than those derived from food. All the minerals in the biological substances were once absorbed from food, processed and then discharged as surplus.
• Urine becomes turbid if let alone for a while. This is because when enzymes in urine change urea into ammonia, urine becomes unstable and strongly alkaline. Therefore old urine looks turbid. Urine with higher ammonia content when applied to the skin. Plays an important role in beautifying it.
• Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues, which were not taken care of by the blood. In addition, they mobilize the toxins facilitating their excretion. Minerals also help rebuild tissues.
• Cortisone detected in urine counteracts inflammatory conditions, allergies and other skin diseases.
• Melatonin present in the morning urine has stress reducing effect. It boosts the immune system, inhibits cancer and reduces heart disease. It is also claimed to have a rejuvenating effect.
• Urokinase detected in urine dissolves blood clots, helps cure heart disease and improves blood circulation.
• Epithelium Growth Factor (EGF) helps repair and regenerate damaged tissues and cells.
• Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF) is necessary for cell division and multiplication.
• Growth Hormone (GH) shows different bio-active effects, such as promotion of protein production, cartilage growth and fat decomposition.
• Erythropoietin promotes production of red blood cells.
• Gonadotropin normalises the menstrual cycle and sperm production.
• Kallikrein releases kallidin which expands peripheral veins and reduces blood pressure.
• Trypsin Inhibitor is effective for prevention and healing of mucosal tumours (neoplasma)
• Alantin heals wounds and tumours (neoplasms)
• Prostaglandins lower blood pressure and act as oral contraceptives.
• Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisone.
• Thyrotrophin (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland and controls energy turnover in the body.
• Leutenising Hormone(LH) stimulates esx hormone production.
• Follice Stimulating Hormone (FSH) plays an important role in regulating menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
• Thyroxin adjusts levels in the body.
• Parathyroid Hormone regulates calcium metabolism.
• Anti-cancer substances like anti-aneoplaston H-11, beta-indol-acetic directin, 3-menthy glyoxal differ from chemotherapeutic drugs which kill or injure all kinds of cells. They strongly prevent the multiplication of carcinogenic cells and help return them to normal.
In addition to the above substances Urine is an excellent 'Bio-feedback'. It contains the breakdown products of the metabolism of each cell. These carry up to date information of the exact status of the health of each individual cell at any given period of time. It also contains other products manufactured by the body to counteract the ailment. Urine is a perfect 'tell-tale' and excellent diagnostic agent. Thus for instance vitamin A is not normally excreted in the urine but in-patients of cancer and tuberculosis large quantities of vitamin A can be detected. The composition of urine changes from season to season, in fact, moment to moment. Lack of sleep, grief and happy, moments each influence the composition of urine. If we had sophisticated instruments to detect each and every product present in the urine we would get a perfect scan of the functioning of the billions of cells present in the body and perhaps know the complex role played by the body to restore health.
Fonte: Curezone
Another reason for this growing interest is that a number of mainstream doctors have also had positive experiences with urine therapy, which is reason, enough for them to investigate how, and why it works. This is not a recent development: in the 1930s for example the German pediatrician Martin Krebs successfully treated many patients with urine therapy and subsequently published the results. As a physician he was convinced that urine therapy was an effective method of treatment but he also realized that other doctors would not readily accept this fact since it conflicted with the scientific dogma which formed the foundation of their profession.
In order to be able to acknowledge urine therapy as an effective method of treatment a number of doctors within the medical world are now interested in how it works. Discovering how it actually works however will not be easy. Random double blind, crossover research could be useful but is difficult to execute.
Actually a good deal of research has already been conducted within the medical world into the composition of urine and its separate components. The researchers Free and Free published a report listing two hundred substances found in urine. They point out that these are only the most significant substances, and that urine probably contains thousands of components. Several substances found in urine seems to be of value as medication some of which have already been processed and used.
A number of hypotheses have, however, been suggested which can serve as the basis for further scientific research. According to Dr. Bartnett, applying urine therapy, using self-produced urine can be considered to be an extension of the methods of Jenner and Pasteur.
An important task of the immune system is to rid the human body of diseased or unusable substances that have developed during the course of an illness. When these substances reach healthy tissue, the serum or blood becomes stronger, the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) increases, and the patient probably recovers. This phenomenon is known as auto-inoculation self-vaccination and can be seen as Mother Nature's methods of healing an illness without external intervention.
Urine therapy can also be seen as a from of self-vaccination: certain bodily substances which have been removed from the body, some of which may have been produced as a result of illness, are reintroduced into the body in small amounts. These substances are reabsorbed into the blood through either the intestines or the skin. According to this hypothesis, the immune system is then given the chance to react appropriately.
The doctors Remington, Merler and Uhr have demonstrated that a particular part of urine-protein is able to eliminate certain pathogens. This discovery supports the assumption that urine therapy can be used to treat or prevent certain illnesses.
In the early nineteenth century, Dr. Charles Ducan conducted research into therapies with self-produced substances, including urine therapy. He demonstrated that patients suffering from gonorrhoeic urethritis (infection of the urinary tube as a result of the venereal disease gonorrhoea) produce their own medication in the form of their own discharge. Auto - therapy was applied here by placing a drop of a patient's discharge directly on the tongue, in order to stimulate the body's natural powers. This method had a strong healing effect at every stage of the illness: If applied at an early stage it could cause the gonorrhoea to disappear.
The results of Dr. William D. Linscott's research suggest that autotherapy strengthens and stimulates the immune system, in particular with regard to the T-cells. The T-cell population of several patients who initially displayed a low T-cell count increased after treatment with urine therapy.
Postulates of Auto Urine Therepy:
A number of possible explanations (hypotheses) as to how and why urine therapy works are presented in the literature. These should not be seen as separate hypotheses but these several factors combine to give urine therapy its exceptional effectiveness. Here, ten hypotheses concerning the efficacy of Auto Urine Therapy are briefly discussed.
1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
2. Re-absorption of hormones
3. Re-absorption of enzymes
4. Re-absorption of urea
5. Immunological effect
6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect
7. Salt therapy
8. Diuretic effect
9. Transmutation theory
10. Psychological effect
1. Re-absorption and re-use of nutrients
Often most nutritive substances are obtained by body in sufficient quantities from the food. By drinking or massaging the urine on skin, a number of vitamins, amino acids, salts, hormones, etc. readily available in urine are possibly re-absorbed and reused as nutrients.
This is important especially during illness, when diseased body tissue enters the blood and must therefore be excreted. The filtering process in the kidneys should break down this tissue to its original materials, after which it can be re-used by the body to build up new tissue.
The composition of urine changes during illness, because certain essential substances do not reach their intended destination and are subsequently filtered out by the kidneys. A good example of this is liver blockage, which can result in hepatitis (inflammation of the liver). If a blockage develops in the liver, bile produced by the liver cannot reach the intestinal canal, instead seeps into the blood and subsequently ends up in the urine, resulting in weakness and nausea. The shortage of bile in the digestive tract restricts the digestion of fats and proteins. Therefore rest and a diet low in fats and proteins is usually prescribed.
However, the substance, which should digest these proteins and fats, can be found in the urine in precisely the correct amount. According to this theory, the application of urine therapy allows bile and other liver enzymes to be re-used instead of wasted.
This is just one example of an illness in which important substances can be re-used via urine. Research could also be conducted for other illnesses concerning the way in which important bodily substances can be saved and re-used.
2. Re -absorption of hormones:
As stated above, many hormones end up in the urine. The basis for this hypothesis is that we can re-introduce these into the body by drinking or massaging with urine.
Since the acids, pepsins and enzymes in the digestive tract harm proteins, the hormones re-absorbed into the body from urine when consumed orally, are mainly the small ones, which are not proteins (protein-complexes). The sex hormones, adrenal gland hormones and thyroid hormones are almost certainly be re-absorbed, the effects of which, need to be more closely researched. The external application of urine to the skin allows hormones to be re-absorbed by the body without being destroyed. Massaging with urine is therefore an important complementary component of urine therapy as urine is directly absorbed into the tissue. Enemas are also a good way to prevent destruction of certain hormones by gastric juices which, is why this method often helps to cure allergic disorders better. The same applies for urine injections.
Re-absorption can be vital in two ways. Firstly certain hormones have a very specific effect during a healing process. For example cortico-steroids secreted by the adrenal cortex inhibit infections and have a positive effect in the treatment of allergies such as asthma and hay fever, skin disorders such as eczema and psoriasis and inflammatory illnesses such as rheumatism. Auto Urine therapy has proved to be an extremely effective aid in the treatment of all these illnesses, but it has not yet been demonstrated that these hormones play a part in the treatment.
Secondly, re-absorption can be a means for the body to generally conserve energy. Re-ingestion of hormones gives the body the chance to re-use at least a number of these, so that it is not necessary to spend energy on manufacturing new hormones.
Hormones are actually extremely powerful molecules, the production of which requires a great deal of energy. Once produced they are able to cause a complete alteration in the balance of bodily processes, the personality, the emotions and the state of mind, even if only a few molecules are released. So even the slightest re-absorption of hormones may well have a powerful effect on our state of health and level of energy.
A hormone melatonin released from pineal gland is found in urine, which has a calming effect. The concentration of this hormone is found to be more in first sample of urine in early morning. Melatonin also has a powerful anti-cancer effect and anti aging property.
It is quite possible that the sages of olden times were well aware of the hormonal effects of urine. They state that if a person is unable to urinate, the urine from somebody of the same sex is acceptable but not from somebody of the other sex.
Although cultural and social factors could have played a part in this rule, the fact is that female urine contains considerably greater amounts of female hormones such as estrogen. If ingested over a long period of time by a man, this could have a feminizing effect. The opposite is true for a woman who ingests male urine.
Some people recommend using the first urine after sexual intercourse. During the process of sexual stimulation certain hormones are released by the higher endocrine glands which have a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the body. This applies for men as well as women.
3. Re-absorption of enzymes:
Urine contains many enzymes, which might explain why urine therapy is effective against arteriosclerosis, heart attack, hypertension, pulmonary embolism, etc. Based on research conducted on the enzyme Urokinase, positive results can be expected from the effects of enzymes in urine as a 'total entity'. Urokinase found in human urine causes vasodilation and resembles nitroglycerine in its ability to strengthen the bloodstream from the coronary artery to the cardiac muscle. Urokinase is extracted from urine and is available in market as life saving drug. There are many other enzymes found active in urine, but more specific information is not yet available.
4. Re-absorption of urea:
Besides water, urea is the main component of urine, which is an end product of converted proteins. A person excretes approximately an average of 25 to 30 grams of urea per day. We come in contact with urea at an early age, i.e. as a foetus in the womb. The level of urea in amniotic fluid, which consists for the most part of urine from the foetus doubles in the last two months of pregnancy. Before we are born, we drink about over half a liter per perday of this liquid. The foetus also breathes it in and this is essential for proper development of the lungs. Scars disappear after an operation on a foetus in the womb due to the healing capacities of the urea in the amniotic fluid.
Once we are born, the intestinal flora start to work, which has a special role in the conversion of urea.. Scientists estimate that 25% of the urea in an adult finds its way into the intestines, where it is decomposed into ammonia by intestinal bacteria. Some of this ammonia ends up in the liver where part it is converted into urea and another part is converted into glutamine, an extremely useful amino acid. The liver converts a great deal of the ammonia, into other substances. Although ammonia is highly poisonous even in moderate amounts, this small amount is extremely important: it regulates the pH-value of the blood and has a powerful anti-viral effect.
If it were true that the urea concentration increases the more often a person drinks urine, we would except urine to become stronger or more bitter in taste. However, the opposite is true: urine becomes more watery and less bitter, which suggests that urea is converted. It is quite possible that urea is indeed converted into glutamine by ammonia. As described above, this process takes place in the intestinal canal.
Research demonstrates the vital importance of glutamine in the maintenance and construction of specialized tissue such as in the brain, the small intestine and in the growth and activity of the mucous membrane of the intestinal canal. Glutamine has a healing effect on ulcers and wounds in the intestinal canal. The most important function of glutamine, however is its ability to strengthen the immune system, and could be an important key in explaining why urine therapy is such a successful method of treatment. The body re- uses a certain part of urea; the extra supply created by applying urine therapy increases the glutamine level in the body. This consequently strengthens the immune system and specialized organs and at the same time heals damages to the digestive tract.
Urea; in so far as it is not decomposed also affects the brain and central nervous system. High doses of urea are sometimes administered during brain surgery in order to temporarily shrink the brain, which is necessary for opening the skull. Less than one tenth of such a dose is ingested when a person drinks urine. Nevertheless, this small amount also brings about a slight reduction of pressure in the brain and spinal cord.
Urea is also successfully administered in rather high doses to patients with sickle cell anaemia, an extremely painful and supposedly incurable illness. Research and experience have demonstrated that, if administered daily in four doses of approximately 40 grams, urea has a healing and preventive effect. This also indicates that the body can endure high doses of urea without displaying negative side effects.
A third noteworthy application of urea can be found in the treatment of cancer by professor Dr. Danopoulos. He experimented with injecting urea mixed with a saline solution in and around skin cancer and as a treatment for Breast Cancer . He also conducted research on drinking urea dissolved in water in order to fight liver cancer and reported positive results. Danopoulos then began combining urea with creatine hydrate, another component of urine and in this way successfully treated other kinds of cancer. Urea also seems to be quite effective in fighting bladder cancer. You might wonder how bladder cancer can arise if urea, constantly present in the bladder is such an effective anti-cancer remedy. However, bladder cancer is a relatively rare form of cancer and generally only found in those who work with certain poisonous chemicals perhaps the effect of urea is counteracted or cancelled out by these chemicals. Further research on this topic is necessary.
Urea also plays an extremely important role in the external application of urine, as it helps transport hormones through the skin. Many hormones are destroyed by the enzymatic action of the digestive system if urine is orally applied. Hormones can probably return to the body in their original form if urine is administered through the skin. Moreover a trans-dermal administration ensures that hormones are absorbed into the body slowly and in specific portions, which significantly increases it's effectiveness.
Urea has the capacity to moisten the skin and regulate its condition & texture, one of the reasons why it is processed in many skin creams. Some pharmaceutical companies use horse urine for the production of urea and they actually have lots of horses in their factory just for this purpose.
Urea is an oxidizing substance, which ensures that the disintegrating proteins (proteins in the area of a wound or inflammation) dissolve. It dissolves fats and other natural bodily secretions. Urea is even
more effective when heated.
Due to its strong anti-bacterial nature, urine has an inhabitive effect on the growth of tuberculosis bacilli. Bacteria-inhibiting or bacteria-killing effects of urine increase with a decreasing pH. Urea and ammonia, closely related, play an important role here. When brought in contact with urea, complex polymers are transformed or decomposed into monomers, which can then be endured by the body.
5. Immunological effect:
Clearly urine is not toxic, although some end substances might be present in urine in small amounts, especially if one is ill. This small amount of end substances possibly contributes to the effectiveness of urine therapy. If these triggering substances enter the body, the body's defense mechanisms are called into action (immune system). If substances, which leave the body via the urine, are the same as those involved in the illness process, they can stimulate the defense system to attack and in this way urine therapy has proven so helpful in treating allergies.
A similar process takes place when a person is vaccinated against certain disease, in which case, a small amount of poisonous substances is injected into a healthy body. This stimulates the immune system to manufacture antibodies (and thus defend the body), and could be called a homeopathic or isopathic effect. The practice of drinking and massaging with urine allows the antibodies, greater access to the body, which stimulates the immune system. The possible significance of urea and glutamine for the immune system is earlier discussed.
Abele suggests that the presence of antigens and antibodies in urine strengthens the immune system when urine is re-introduced into the body. The re-introduction of small amounts of bacteria or parasites found in urine may stimulate the production of IgE. IgA (a virus inhibiting substance that prevents micro-organisms from becoming embedded in the mucous) also plays a role here. IgA is found in mucous and in excretions of body, and therefore also in urine. Urine therapy increases the production of IgA which possibly explains why this therapy has a positive effect on infections of the urinary passages and the kidneys while other treatments offer little relief.
Several studies demonstrate that antibodies against for example salmonella diphtheria poliomyelitis and HIV can be found in urine.
6. Bactericidal and virucidal effect:
Although it is not yet entirely clear why urine has a germicidal and antiseptic effect, it is known that urea plays an important role here. Ammonia and salt also have a similar purifying effect. Besides killing bacteria, urine also inhibits or destroys various viruses and fungi. Scientific research has demonstrated that both urea and ammonia have a powerful anti-viral effect.
Applying urine to a fresh cut or scrape prevents infection and keeps files away (important in countries with a warm climate). Urine compresses from fresh or old urine help to combat infections and often cause them to disappear. Although urine does not entirely prevent the growth of bacteria in the urethra (infections often arise), it clearly has a powerful Antiseptic effect when externally applied.
Herz also successfully treated infections of the urinary passages with urine therapy. The positive results can be traced back to the stimulating effect of the re-ingested urine on the immune system. As discussed above, in such a case, IgA is produced in greater quantities.
7. Detoxification therapy:
Drinking salt water serves as an important therapeutic remedy during certain (fasting) cures. Salt water is also frequently applied in yoga to clean the body thoroughly from within and it relieve such illnesses as asthma, stomach ulcer, indigestion and constipation. Drinking urine, which is also a salt substance, has the same effect. This could be an important reason for its success as a therapeutic remedy.
Salt solutions remove old mucous embedded in the mucous membranes. If one drink a salt liquid, part of the salt goes into the body, where it dissolves the surplus of mucous in the lungs and in other organs.
According to those who work with this therapy, warm salt water, and in this sense also fresh warm urine, is particularly useful during illnesses in which the body does not generate enough heat to keep the normal bodily secretions thin and watery. Moreover, urine draws out surplus, which has become too watery due to an illness. This also explains why compresses of warm, concentrated urine externally applied are so effective.
As a salt liquid, urine also has a laxative effect and is recommended to relieve constipation. As it moves through the intestinal canal, the salt detaches waste and draws water into the intestines, as a
result of which bowel movement becomes easier.
According to this theory, drinking urine, like drinking urine is like drinking salt water, accelerates the metabolism,. It removes a surplus of sugar from the blood and draws out toxic substances from cells. In this way, urine therapy is a good cleansing technique.
According to urine therapists, urine has an extra advantage above salt water because urine contains small amounts of natural cortisone. This brings us back to the possible hormonal effects of urine.
Using urine instead of salt is also more effective because urea and ammonia are organic solvents: they dissolve fats and other natural bodily secretions. These substances probably ensure that the mucous membranes and body cells are powerfully affected.
Dabbing with salt water usually helps clean wounds; urine has the same effect. Urine is more effective than salt water because it contains healing substances such as allantoin.
8. Diuretic effect:
According to this theory, urine therapy ensures that the kidneys work more quickly and that the body is stimulated to produce more urine. Metabolic products composed of proteins such as urea, nitrogen and ammonia are excreted out of the body via the urine as soon as there is a surplus in the body. Drinking urine causes more of these substances to enter the body than normal. The body reacts to this by washing them away with water and other substances.
By ingesting urine, one stimulates the body not only to excrete part of these metabolic products at an accelerated rate, but also to convert another part into useful substances. A previously mentioned
example of this is urea, which is converted through ammonia into glutamine.
Another consequence might be that substances which should normally leave the body with the urine, but have got stuck somewhere, now do so due to the accelerated flow. For example, in the case of gout, the body disposes of urinary acid embedded in the joints.
The effects of flowing and cleansing are particularly noticeable while one is fasting. The first time one urinates while fasting, the urine is often thick and tastes strong especially if one have a fever or is otherwise sick. However, after drinking this initial amount, the second flow of urine is thinner, even if one has not drunk extra water.
The continuous re-use of urine yields a large amount of clear and not unpleasant tasting urine in a short period of time. According to this hypothesis, this ultimately results in stimulated and cleansed kidneys, and a purified blood stream. At the same time, the intestines, skin and exhalation process probably entirely takes over the role of excreting the unusable metabolic products.
9. Transmutation theory:
The transmutation theory needs a new, holistic paradigm, which is based more on the dynamics of energies36.
In recent scientific research, a shift is visible from reductionism to holism. Urine can be considered to contain an exact holographic picture of the body fluids and tissues. The biofeedback of this holographic information by re-ingesting the urine may well inform the energy system in a way, which helps restoring a disturbed balance.
The medical doctor and urine therapist Abele cautiously discusses the possible effect of urine as holographic feedback:
"The question rises as to whether urine could possibly be considered to be a sort of liquid hologram. Once the body has been made conscious of urine in an unconventional way (such as it being reintroduced into the body by intramuscular injection) the whole organism evaluates it and subsequently updates its own regulating mechanisms (at least in specific cases)"
The theory of transmutation implies that the body is capable, through energetic exchange within the body itself, to transmute certain substances or molecules into other ones. ' Short circuiting ' the system by ingesting one's own secreted body fluids might stimulate the transmutational force within and challenge the body to transform unusable substances into usable ones without being constantly
disturbed by new external input. This would specifically apply to fasting on urine.
Another important aspect is the theory of structured water. The body consists for the biggest part of water and so does urine. Not all water is the same thought. The molecular structure of water can be
less or more organized and in the latter case one speaks of structured water. The more it is organized the better all kind of enzymatic processes can do their job. These enzymatic processes, in
their turn are responsible and necessary for the digestion, absorption and transmutation of all nutrients.
It is scientifically proven how water in biological systems becomes more organized. Water also becomes more organized through exposure to sunlight and through close contact with crystals. The body is both a receptor of sunlight and it contains a high amount of solid and liquid crystalline-like substances. Also body fluids themselves form fluid crystals. Urine is thus a crystalline- like substance containing a high amount of structured water. This structured water, when taken in again promotes better enzymatic functioning and it has a higher solubility for minerals. A higher amount of structured water in the body system is correlated with better health and more energy.
The fact that urine is a liquid crystal substance, particularly because of the various salts in it. Implies that it contains crystalline vibrations completely in tune with the vibrational condition of the body. Re-ingestion might give the body valuable vibrational information needed for two things. Healthy vibrations will strengthen the already existing healthy body resonance. Diseased or stress vibrations will counteract any unhealthy resonance in the body. It is known that disturbing sounds of any sort can be counteracted best confronting it with the same sounds.
The vibratory patterns of the body, both in the bones (solid crystals) and in the tissues and fluids (liquid crystals), play an important role in the process of transmutation. The resonance field of a crystal can make a protein, for example change its form into one that is more useful for the body, or easier adaptable by it.
Seeing urine as a liquid crystalline-like substance, containing a high amount of structured water may help understanding its healing qualities on the more subtle levels.
10. Psychological effect:
The shock initially brought on by drinking urine might fundamentally challenge previously accepted ideas as a result of which repressed energy is released that can be applied to strengthen the body and fight an illness.
Scientists claim that the highest acceptable placebo effect is 30%. However, a much higher percentage of people actually achieves positive results with urine therapy, which is remarkable since many people are often initially skeptical because of their aversion to urine, and apply urine therapy as a last resort.
Confronting and conquering reluctance play an important role in this theory. Applying your own bodily substances in an attempt to lead to a considerably broadened outlook on the intelligence and power of the body, and can increase your appreciation and love for yourself as a physical and spiritual being. Instead of regarding excretions (really just a part of yourself) as enemies you, regard them as your helpers. This healthier way of seeing yourself might well have a powerful healing effect on your body.
If the results are experienced as positive applying your own urine as medication means that you have more physical and mental freedom than previously believed, which can also have a healing effect on a deep level.
Besides being beneficial on a personal level, the use of urine as medication opens a new door for contemporary medical science. It confronts us with the possibility that the powers of the body and the universe are infinite, and that we are much less dependent on complicated theories and technologies for our health than up until now was assumed.
Urine therapy confronts us with a very concrete healer within which works both on a physical and on an energy level. The latter implies that urine, as a holographic substance, can affect all levels of being from the physical, through the electromagnetic fields of the emotions and the mind, up to the subtler genetic vibrational information of the soul.
Composition of Human Urine:
A general overview and a specified summary of a number of important substances usually found in urine follow below. The substances given in the specified summary have been research, either in relation to urine therapy or in other contexts.
General Overview
Inorganic substances in urine:
Bicarbonate, chloride phosphor sulfur bromide fluoride jodide, rhodanide, kalium natrium, calcium magnesium iron copper, zinc cobalt, selenium, arsenium lead, mercury.
Nitrogen containing substances in urine:
Nitrogen (as totality), urea, creatine, creatinine guanidine, cholinecarnitine, piperidine, spermidine, spermine, dopamine, adrenaline, nor-adrenaline, serotonin, tryptamine, amino-levulinic acid prophyrin, bilirubin, and others.
Amino acids in urine:
Alanine, carnosine, glycine, histidine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylaanine, serine, tyrosine, valine, hyfroxyproline, galactosylhydroxlysine xylosylserine and others.
Proteins in urine:
Albumin, haptoglobin, transferrin IgG, IgA, IgM, and others.
Enzymes in urine:
Lactatdehydrogenase, gamma-glutamyltransferase, alpha-amylase, uropesinogen, lysozyme, beta-N-acetylgucosaminidase, urokinase, protease, and others.
Carbohydrates in urine:
Arabinos, xylose, ribose, fucose, rhamnose, ketopentose, glucose, galactose mannose, frutose, lactose, saccharose, fucosylglucose, raffinose, and others.
Vitamins in urine:
Thiamine (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitaminB2), vitamin B6, 4-pyridoxic acid, nicotinic acid, vitamin B-12, biopterine, asorbic acid and others.
Hormones in urine:
Gonadotropin, corticotropin, prolactin, lactogenic hormones, oxytocin vasopressin, thyroxine cathecaolamin (adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine) insulin, erythropoietin, coricosteriods (aldosterone, corticosterone, cortisone), testosterone, progesterone, oestrogen and others.
Specified Summary:
Agglutinins and precipitins - have a neutralizing effect on polio and other viruses.
Antineoplaston - prevents selectively the growth of cancer cells without harming the growth of healthy cells.
Allantoin - a nitrogenous crystal substance, which helps, wound healing. It is an oxidation product of uric acid. This substance can be found in man skin cream products.
DHEA - (dehydroepiandrosterone or dhydroiso-androsterome) - a steroid secreted by the adrenal gland which can be found in large amount in male urine. This substance prevents obesity, prolongs the life span of animals and offers a possible treatment for anaemia, diabetes and breast cancer in women. DHEA stimulates the growth of bone marrow and increases the production of substances manufactured by bone marrow such as red blood cells, monocytes, macrophages and lymphocytes. A low DHEA level seems to be linked to ageing.
Gastric secretory depressants - combat the growth of stomach uclers.
Glucuronic acid - is created in the liver, kidneys and intestinal canal and has an important secretion function.
H-11 - inhibits the growth of cancer cells and reduces already existing tumours, without disturbing the recovery process.
HUD (Human's Urine Derivative) - urine derivative shown on helper cells and inhibiting substances. It can signal the hypothalamus to produce a fever.
3- Methyl-glyxal - destroys cancer cells.
Prostaglandin- is an hormonal substance which dilates the blood vessels and lowers blood pressure, relaxes the bronchial muscles stimulates labour contractions, and has a number of other functions relating to the metabolism.
Protein globulins - contain antibodies against specific allergens; identical to proteins in the immunoglobulins of serum (blood)
Proteoses - immunologically active products of allergic reactions.
Retine - anti-cancer element extracted from urine.
Urine peptide (or polypeptide) - shows tuberculostatic activity which has been isolated in chemically pure form.
Uric acid- helps keep free radical scavengers (molecules which can cause cancer) under control combats old age and even has a tuberculostatic effect..
Like this many useful products have been found in urine. The functions of the main ones are described below:
• Urea is the major component found in urine and is the end product of protein metabolism. It dissolves fats and other body secretions and is finally discharged into urine. It is a strong antibacterial agent and specifically prevents the growth of the tubercle bacillus. It is said that a large quantity of vitamin C intake enhances it effect.
• Uric acid is similar in action to urea and has strong antibacterial properties. In addition it helps to control cancer-causing substances.
• Nitrates present in the urine, if they come in contact with the skin or sweat, react with the acid producing nitrous oxide, which is antibacterial.
• Minerals from urine can be very easily absorbs if re-ingested and are more efficient compared to those derived from food. Urine contains different kinds of useful mineral compounds than those derived from food. All the minerals in the biological substances were once absorbed from food, processed and then discharged as surplus.
• Urine becomes turbid if let alone for a while. This is because when enzymes in urine change urea into ammonia, urine becomes unstable and strongly alkaline. Therefore old urine looks turbid. Urine with higher ammonia content when applied to the skin. Plays an important role in beautifying it.
• Minerals in urine purify and activate body tissues, which were not taken care of by the blood. In addition, they mobilize the toxins facilitating their excretion. Minerals also help rebuild tissues.
• Cortisone detected in urine counteracts inflammatory conditions, allergies and other skin diseases.
• Melatonin present in the morning urine has stress reducing effect. It boosts the immune system, inhibits cancer and reduces heart disease. It is also claimed to have a rejuvenating effect.
• Urokinase detected in urine dissolves blood clots, helps cure heart disease and improves blood circulation.
• Epithelium Growth Factor (EGF) helps repair and regenerate damaged tissues and cells.
• Colony Stimulating Factor (CSF) is necessary for cell division and multiplication.
• Growth Hormone (GH) shows different bio-active effects, such as promotion of protein production, cartilage growth and fat decomposition.
• Erythropoietin promotes production of red blood cells.
• Gonadotropin normalises the menstrual cycle and sperm production.
• Kallikrein releases kallidin which expands peripheral veins and reduces blood pressure.
• Trypsin Inhibitor is effective for prevention and healing of mucosal tumours (neoplasma)
• Alantin heals wounds and tumours (neoplasms)
• Prostaglandins lower blood pressure and act as oral contraceptives.
• Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) stimulates adrenal cortex to make cortisone.
• Thyrotrophin (TSH) stimulates thyroid gland and controls energy turnover in the body.
• Leutenising Hormone(LH) stimulates esx hormone production.
• Follice Stimulating Hormone (FSH) plays an important role in regulating menstrual cycle and pregnancy.
• Thyroxin adjusts levels in the body.
• Parathyroid Hormone regulates calcium metabolism.
• Anti-cancer substances like anti-aneoplaston H-11, beta-indol-acetic directin, 3-menthy glyoxal differ from chemotherapeutic drugs which kill or injure all kinds of cells. They strongly prevent the multiplication of carcinogenic cells and help return them to normal.
In addition to the above substances Urine is an excellent 'Bio-feedback'. It contains the breakdown products of the metabolism of each cell. These carry up to date information of the exact status of the health of each individual cell at any given period of time. It also contains other products manufactured by the body to counteract the ailment. Urine is a perfect 'tell-tale' and excellent diagnostic agent. Thus for instance vitamin A is not normally excreted in the urine but in-patients of cancer and tuberculosis large quantities of vitamin A can be detected. The composition of urine changes from season to season, in fact, moment to moment. Lack of sleep, grief and happy, moments each influence the composition of urine. If we had sophisticated instruments to detect each and every product present in the urine we would get a perfect scan of the functioning of the billions of cells present in the body and perhaps know the complex role played by the body to restore health.
Fonte: Curezone
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- Vegetarianismo e Espiritualidade - dos tempos anti...
- Videos: Gripe Suina - humor ás vezes ridiculo
ácido fítico
ácido graxo essencial
alimentos funcionais
Aloé vera
André Abujamra
Auricularia polytricha
Bactéria ácido-lactica
Black Fungus
Blending Foods
Brian Clement
câncer de pulmão
cancro mama
Cardo Mariano
cereais integrais
Cura das Frutas
Diabo na Cruz
Dieta Mediterrânica
Doença de Gaucher
Dr. Herbert M. Shelton
dr. mercola
drinking water
Esogetic Colorpuncture
filtração por membrana
Fit for Lif
Flora Intestinal
food combining
Gabriel Cousens
geleia real
Germinando Sementes
Gripe Suina
gripe suína
Harvey Diamond
Laser Biológico
lúcia lima
Macka B
Michael Beckwith
milho verde
Milk Thistle
minas Aromáticas Heterocíclicas
obesidade mórbida
ômega 3
Pesquisas Científicas
Plant Estrogens
plantas medicinais
Pranav Mistry
pure water
Raw Food
ritos tibetanos
Rotulagem Alimentar
Saúde intestinal
Tom ReganLibertação Animal
Tony Samara
Urine Therapy
Viagem Virtual
XP Matrix
Acerca de mim
- Luis Guerreiro
- * Integrando a equipe de preparação dos vários Detoxes de Tony Samara - Portugal - 2009
- * Consultor de Alimentação Viva do Spa Natural Alma Verde - Foz do Iguaçu-PR - Junho, Julho 2008.
- * Apresentação de pratos vivos - 23º Congresso Internacional de Educação Física - FIEP 2008 - Foz do Iguaçu/PR
- * Consultor e Árbitro da FDAP - Federação de Desportos Aquáticos do Paraná - Novembro de 2007 a Maio 2008 - Foz do Iguaçu-PR
- * Criação do Instituto IDEIAS - Foz do Iguaçu - Outubro de 2007.
- * Palestras de educação Nutriconal e Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação. - IPEC. Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
- Aula introdutória sobre alimentação e Nutrição para participantes do curso de Ecovilas e administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os sete dias de curso. Início: Outubro de 2007.
- * Curso de Alimentação Viva- Restaurante Girassol - Ros Ellis Moraes (nutricionista) e Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista) - Agosto de 2007 - Brasilia-DF
- * Palestras de educação Nutriconal e Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação.
- IPEC - Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
- Actuação: Aula introdutória sobre alimentação e Nutrição para participantes do curso do SEBRAE e administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os sete dias de curso - Agosto de 2007. Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
- * Administração dos Serviços de Alimentação.
- IPEC - Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas do Cerrado. Pirenópolis. Goiás.
- Atuação: Curso Bioconstruindo - administração junto a uma equipe, dos serviços de alimentação fornecidos durante os dias de curso.
- BIOCONSTRUINDO - Julho 2007 - Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
- * Palestra sobre Alimentação Viva - Maçonaria - Julho 2007 - Belo Horizonte-MG - Com Jacqueline Stefânia (nutricionista)
- * Oficina de Alimentação Viva "Nutriviva" com a Nutricionista Jacqueline Stefânia Pereira e a professora de Hatha Yoga, Ana Virgínia de Azevedo e Souza - Junho 2007 - Belo Horizonte -MG
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